Wildlife in the cemetery

Beckett Street Cemetry has a rich wildlife ecology. Articles on this regularly appear in the FoBSC newletters which is sent to paid-up members, and video talks are often given at general meetings. This article appeared in the January 2000 issue of the Friends' newsletter.

Those of you who have been members of the Friends of the cemetery since early days may remember that one of the first planting partnerships between the Friends and the Community Programme of late lamented memory involved the Unconsecrated chapel site. Along the boundary line between the mown grass area where the chapel once stood and the area beside it, dense with graves, trees and shrubs, we established a hedge in which we made sure blackthorn plants were included. We shall soon be seeing, once again, the lovely lacy froth of white blossom which clothes the bare dark spiky branches of the blackthorn in March.

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